Some Tips for Caring for a Bangkok Chicken Fight Part1

Bangkok chicken is one of the popular chickens among hobbyists from ornamental chickens in Indonesia. Bangkok chicken itself is a type of fighter chicken which also originates from Thailand. You also need to know that from the symbol of the State of Thailand it is chicken. So, it is not surprising if Thailand itself is the biggest chicken producer in Southeast Asia.

And also in Indonesia itself, Bangkok chicken has also been there for a long time and has also developed widely. This is also caused because of the many hobbyist chicken fight. That itself has bought bangkok chicken imported directly from Thailand. In addition, the increasing hobbyist of this action chicken has also become a factor in the development of this Bangkok chicken in Indonesia.

Besides being made for the chicken fight, Bangkok chicken is also very much used also as a very lucrative business land, by the way there is farmed. And at this time, the bangkok chicken farm in Indonesia has also been growing very rapidly, almost also in every region. So, in this bangkok chicken is increasingly growing in Indonesia.

The way to care for the Bangkok chicken is actually not as complicated and difficult, if we take care of it very diligently and also tenacious. What will make us have difficulty in caring for the Bangkok chicken is lazy and also not very painstaking. This is also the very factor that most occurs by all these hobbyist cockfighters.

Caring for Bangkok Chicken Complaints is Very Easy

Because that's what will make us become impatient and also sometimes reluctant to care for the Bangkok chicken. And if the chicken is not fully there, fighting with a maximum. This will usually happen due to many factors. That is the condition of the chicken is less prime, also the lackluster chicken, up to no energy and also not excited when you're competing.

These factors are usually what will make the Bangkok chicken to be no longer optimal, when they are competing. In addition, this factor also most often will make the chicken lose when competing.

And to be able to overcome this, I will also guide you how to treat the Bangkok chicken. This is well and also true in order to become a champion chicken.

The first way is to clean the chicken coop

Cleaning the cage is very important. Besides preventing chickens from existing diseases caused by viruses. And also bacteria, cleaning this cage can also keep it stable and also always clean. You can clean it regularly at least once a week.

If the cage has a base, then the base of the cage must also be cleaned and also if the base is made of zinc. And if there is a base of the cage from the board or plywood, then you replace the base with a periodic board.

The purpose of this cleaning and replacement of the base is to prevent moisture from growing as well as fungi on the floor. After the parts that have been explained are cleaned. And also then the next thing to clean is the inside of the wall and also from the roof of the cage.

After the chicken coop is clean, you can spray the chicken coop by using vaccination as well. That's because it can prevent the proliferation of viruses and bacteria. You can spray the vaccination once a month or even once a week.

Continuation of the previous article is tips on how to care for chickens properly the second way is always bathing chickens. because Bangkok chicken should have to have a very good appearance. Not only from the appearance of a sturdy body and also very beautiful fur. But the appearance of the body must always be clean and fresh. To be able to get a very clean and fresh body, Bangkok chicken must always be bathed at least once a week.

And to want to bathe the chicken Bangkok, the best time is around at 07:30 until 08:00. This time is also the most appropriate time in bathing the Bangkok chicken. Because time is also the most appropriate time to be able to get the most excellent variety of vitamin D from the feathers of the chicken.

The best and most correct way to bathe the chicken is to use very clean water. And also keep in mind, you should never bathe a chicken using warm water. That is especially for the chicken who is still mourning.

That's because warm water itself can damage tissue in the body and also from the growth of the feathers of the chicken. After the water is clean and the bath equipment is ready, then even then you can simply bathe your favorite Bangkok chicken. From that is the way it is like this:

How to bathe chickens properly and correctly

The first way is to flank the chicken directly using both legs in a position that is facing you. The head from the chicken's head flushes into the chicken's head with foam that you have wet with clean water.

Still in a bent position, the neck of the chicken is then held using the left hand, then from the right hand to flush water down to the neck of the chicken until it touches the nape of the neck and into the base of the wing slowly. After that, the neck is washed using dry foam so that later there is not too much water content in the chicken feathers.

Then in the chest wash using foam all the way down to the part of the chicken's berry. Next, you must wash by using foam on the part of the chicken's wing until it is inside the chicken's armpit. And also wash on the thighs and the chicken legs until it is completely clean.

The third tip is drying training

When drying the bangkok chicken itself must be really cautioned. Therefore, if the time of drying is wrong. And then your Bangkok chicken will be able to experience a big problem. That can affect the health of the chicken itself.

And the time of drying the right bangkok chicken is around 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. This time is also a very appropriate time to be able to hang the chicken bangko from your beloved. Because in that time, even the chicken will be dried in Bangkok will be able to get the type of vitamin D and also from other vitamins.

The thing about drying the bangkok chicken is drying it at 10:30. Because the thigh temperature at this time has begun to heat too and can make the chicken become dehydrated too. So, avoid drying the chicken above this hour. Because besides that it can make you become dehydrated, chicken will be very pale.